Plínio Marcos' play “O abajur lilás” (1969) brings two issues to the scene: the first, the subjugation of the woman represented in the characters by the power relationship along with psychological and physical torture; the second, the historical context of the 1960s in which the play was written, with denunciations of atrocities and the abuse of power by the military against their victims. In this text, we will analyze how the testimonial content is represented in this theatrical script. The playwright, when writing his play with elements of testimony, elaborates the statement of the other, this other is the oppressed, and because this is so normal to many, this marginalized person becomes inspiring (DE MARCO, 2004). After all, one cannot think of the oppressed only from the perspective of their cultural individuality, but also from the field of their experiences of the traumas experienced by authoritarian regimes. (PACHECO, 2015). The testimony takes place through the contemplation of a witnessed event, after this event the witness restructures his reflection on the fact and the probabilities of representing. The testimony is still born out of compassion and fear from the marked horror by which the oppressed lived (SELLIGMANN-SILVA, 2000). It is observed that in the face of the violence experienced, the characters of the play “O abajur lilás” try to resist repression, and this, presents itself with a content of denunciation of the silencing of the oppressed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria do Socorro Carmelo de SOUSA (UNIFESSPA), Abílio Pacheco de SOUZA (UNIFESSPA)

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Impact Factor 1.54

Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete
Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)
ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374