The short story School of Heroes, by the São Paulo writer Idelma Ribeiro de Faria, was one of the winners of the National Contest of Short Stories of Paraná, in 1978, being published in the book The Winners in the same year. In this short story, the literary narrative incorporates cinematographic narrative procedures (editing, cutting, scene) to the narration in order to, through the narrated story, criticize militarism – a strong feature of its historical context, both particular (the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil ) and general (the 20th century marked by wars). In this communication, we will analyze and interpret the short story, approaching the literary and cinematographic languages that constitute it as a narrative of resistance.
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Impact Factor 1.54

Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba Campus - EditorAbaete
Post-Graduate Program in Cities, Territories, and Identities (PPGCITI)
ISSN: 1806-0560 e-ISSN: 1982-5374